
Working for the SME Partners – Fin

  • 30th November 2021
Written by Adam Barrett Brook

Meet Fin, the SME Partners first digital marketing apprentice. Here he gives the lowdown on the highs and lows of being an apprentice, digital marketing and working for the SME Partners. He’s nothing but honest. Promise.

Describe your job working at the SME Partners

I am a digital marketing apprentice and I work within the digital side of the business for our clients which is helping with website design and the back end of the websites using Shopify and Elementor mainly. I also get involved within the social media side which entails creating and scheduling posts for our client’s social media accounts and running campaigns for them.


What is the best thing you’ve learned in your job at the SME Partners?

The most valuable and best thing I have learnt that I feel has benefitted me the most is helping out with the back end of the website design process. I have created the actual design of websites before but I have never inputted all of the meta data and the SEO before so that was very eye opening and has helped me for the future too.


What has been the most challenging part of starting a new job as a graduate / apprentice?

The most challenging part of being an apprentice is balancing my workload for my qualifications with my job at SME. I feel as though I am good at timekeeping and hitting deadlines however sometimes it can get a bit stressful when I need to finish an essay off!


Have there been any funny moments? If so give us the dirt.

 I can’t pick out one in particular but there has been plenty of laughs when we meet up and are all in the office together after not seeing each other for a little while!

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