
Brand archives

Be The Brand - Blog

Build the Brand You Want to Be

Impactful, effective and with cut-through; it’s what many start-ups aim for in the fledgling stage of their businesses

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Social Media Success

Want social media success? You’ll have to pay for it

How often have you scrolled through your social media feeds and wondered why your competitors seem to be doing it so much better than you? Be honest.

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Marketing Tactics - Blog

7 Simple Marketing Tactics Post Covid

So, how do small businesses stand out in an increasingly competitive digital landscape. Here’s 7 simple marketing tactics to get you back on track…

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Small British Businesses - Blog

Small British businesses that made it big

When you’re a small fish in a big pond, the key to success is disruption. Taking an established product, concept or market and creating a twist that helps you stand...

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Five ways covid reshaped marketing - Blog

Five ways Covid has reshaped marketing and brand connection

Covid-19 has changed the world almost overnight. A seismic shift has occurred in the way brands communicate and market to their customers. Here is what to look out for in...

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Golden Must-Do's - Blog

The Golden Must Dos of Social Media

There’s no hard and fast rules of navigating social media as a business, but there are some golden tips…

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