
7 Simple Marketing Tactics Post Covid

  • Marketing
  • 23rd August 2021
Written by Adam Barrett Brook

In a world that is slowly finding its balance from Covid 19, for business owners and marketeers the last few years has seen much change. No longer is it cheap as chips to advertise on Facebook. No longer is the high street the go to destination for launching a B2C brand. Instead, brands have to fight for attention at the top of Google or in busy social media feeds. And it is an expensive business. So, how do small businesses stand out in an increasingly competitive digital landscape. Here’s 7 simple marketing tactics to get you back on track…

1.     Engage and Grow Your Customer Database
If you’ve grown a strong customer email database during Covid, look to reengage with your existing customers. Segment or automate your existing email database to make it work harder. For example: target frequent purchasers with a loyalty discount or introduce abandoned cart emails.

2.     Drive more sign ups to your email database: That annoying welcome email you see on websites – sign up and save 10%. Well, it really works and that’s why most websites use it. Don’t be afraid to use a pop up. Most people are used to them and won’t leave your site because of it. You can also use this as an upsell mechanism by restricting the discount to higher margin products.

3.     Competitions are a great way to drive engagement both via email and social media. Be sure to follow Instagram / Facebook’s guidelines on competitions. Make sure your competition encourages people to tag a friend in the comments. The more people you can get to comment and like your social media posts, the higher they will go up the social media news feeds and the more engagement you will get.

4.     Utilise cost effective technology like Tidio which allows you to automate customer journeys through bot technology e.g., welcome discount, abandoned basked discount. Once you set up the bot it does all the hard work for you. It can even check order tracking for customers on certain website platforms like shopify, eliminating customer enquiries instantly.

5.     Join an Affiliate Network like AWINAffiliates drive traffic and conversions to your website for % fee on each transaction. Sounds expensive? Get it right and it can soon become your cheapest digital marketing channel and can drive huge volumes of traffic quickly with minimal upfront costs. You pay only when the affiliate drives the sale. AWIN gives you access to a huge network of ready to go affiliates all in an easily manageable platform. They have a small business scheme that starts at £99 per month.

6.     Ensure Your Products Are Still Relevant. Sell water bottles? It’s Love Island time. Constantly reviewing your product set in line with consumer trends will naturally drive more sales. Twitter is a great place to start for trending topics that could be turned into products.

7.     Engage with Social Influencers. Many social influencers will feature your product on their feed or blog in exchange for a free gift. If you can make it worth it for them even better but this doesn’t have to be an upfront fee. It could be something as offering an exclusive discount that they can offer to their followers.

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